Thursday, February 24, 2011
PoolEdit - Open Source XML ISO 11783 User Interface Editor
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I try to use SerialGate
First I should understand that device, then I consider how to develop device driver for ser2tcp.
That device made by Systembase company. They made device driver for virtual serial port in Windows Xp. Also they made application program for monitoring serial data.
The following link:
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
How to build Serial to Ethernet device driver and application program in Windows XP
I prepared tutorial for building device driver for com0com.sys and application program for com2tcp.exe. If you interest that article, you can download the following link:
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Action Exercises for Dream Big Dreams
1. What one great goal would you set for yourself if you were absolutely guaranteed success?
2. Make out a "dream list"; write down everything you would like to have in your life someday, exactly as if you had no limitations.
3. Imagine your perfect lifestyle; if you were financially independent and you could live any way and anywhere you wanted, what would you change?
4. Make a list of 10 goals you would like to accomplish in the next year. From that list, select the one goal that would have the greatest positive impact on your life if you could achieve it right now.
5. Write your most important goal on a separate piece of paper. Make it measurable and set a deadline for its accomplishment.
6. Make a written plan to achieve this one goal. Write out a list of everything you can think of that you will have to do to accomplish it.
7. Take action on your plan immediately. Once you have started, discipline yourself to do something every day that moves you toward that goal. Never miss a day until you have achieved it.
How to achieve any goal
Brian Tracy recommend the following 7 steps:
1. Decide exactly what you want
2. Write down your goals
3. Be willing to pay the price
4. Make a detailed plan
5. Take action on your plan
6. Do something every day
7. Never give up
In the world have so many beautiful countries, but no one equal my country.
The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT manuals with CD

Downloading link: The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT.pdf
Change your thinking Change your life

I am reading nowadays book written by Brian Tracy's. That book name is " Change your thinking change your life". His ideas very useful and great encourage me.
You can download this book from the following link:
Online Live TV channels
I watch the following online live channels. Those channels to help my English language.
CNN International channel
CNBC (Live)
Friday, February 18, 2011
ISO11783 standards for agricultural tractor
This standard mainly propose for agricultural machinery and forest machinery Data communication system. ISO11783 standards consist of the following parts.
1. ISO 11783 Part1: General standard for mobile data communication
2. ISO 11783 Part2: Physical layer
3. ISO 11783 Part3: Data link layer
4. ISO 11783 Part4: Network layer
5. ISO 11783 Part5: Network management
6. ISO 11783 Part6: Virtual Terminal
7. ISO 11783 Part7: Implement messages application layer
8. ISO 11783 Part8: Power train messages
9. ISO 11783 Part9: Tractor ECU
11. ISO 11783 Part11: Mobile data element dictionary
13. ISO 11783 Part12: File server
Next time I explain each part of ISO11783 standard. And also How I implement in real application for agricultural tractor.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Windows Sockets 2 Application Programming Interface
Windows Sockets 2 Application Programming Interface
Lecture Slides for Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Lecture Slides for Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Robert F. Stengel
Princeton University
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Lectures related for Robotics
The following links including information of lecture notes for robotics. That lectures made by University of Manitoba university's professor Jacky Baltes in Canada.
Real-time SystemsIntelligent Mobile Robotics
Advanced Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Local Vision Mobile Robotics
Mobile Robotics (Graduate Course)
Robotics Competitions
The following links are pointers to information relevant to robotics competitions.
FIRA HuroCup Competiton
RoboCup Federation
Google's free online language translation service
The Google translate is very good translator website in the world. I usually use for Chinese and Korean to English translation. May be some words and sentence actual means different from natural language. But I understand main idea of Korean and Chinese texts. I wanna say thank you, good luck in your website's future.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Ethernet to Serial and Serial to Ethernet
Today I search source codes for com device driver and ethernet in windows xp. I found some source codes, but this code in windows NT version. Anyway that's may be help our project.
the following links:
Ethernet to Serial and Serial to Ethernet this kinds technology need for industrial application. May be old expensive industrial machine's control system is usually based on COM port. Nowadays USB and ethernet based controlling systems used for industrial machines. Next few days I study ethernet technology in windows CE and windows xp. First i should study ethernet application program. I should connect to embedded board to PC or embedded board to embedded board. Second I should study ethernet device driver for windows ce and windows xp. I have book for Programming Microsoft® Windows® CE .NET, Third Edition with example source codes. That's may be helpfully for me. Also if you interest that book link
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Vocabulary and Movement
I like A.J. Hoge teaching methods and lessons. He also broadcast another interesting article. I am studying English by using his methods. Nowadays I study power English course. He is teaching all of studying and activity methods. One of them is physical movement and studying. That's actually true. Human body moving that means our brain working and activating for study.
I'm very very thankfully A.J.Hoge. Now I understand 80% more in natural speakers.
Vocabulary and Movement
So many students waste time trying to memorize English vocabulary. They study long lists of vocabulary. They repeat the lists many times, trying to memorize the English words and their translated meanings.
Research shows that 80% of vocabulary learned in this way is forgotten in less than a year. That’s a lot of wasted time and effort.
There’s another problem with this vocabulary learning method– it’s boring and therefore it kills long term motivation. Students must be very careful– killing your motivation is the worst thing you can do. Learning English is a marathon, it’s a long run. It requires high levels of motivation that are sustained for many years.
Using boring vocabulary learning methods, therefore, is doubly bad: it is inefficient and it weakens motivation.
There is a better way– as participants in my recent Breakthrough Seminar in Bangkok learned. It is possible to learn new vocabulary in a way that is far more powerful AND is a lot of fun. When you learn in this way, you will remember 80% one year later! That’s powerful.
The key to deep, powerful, long term vocabulary learning is movement. When we combine strong physical movements with understandable new vocabulary, we create deep connections in our brains and bodies. These connections are long term. They last!
In the seminar, I taught a number of new words using strong actions. The students shouted the new words with me, while simultaneously using the strong actions I showed them. By the end of the lesson, they knew those words well.
But that’s not all. Since Effortless English is a deep learning system, I repeated those new words again– this time in a Mini-Story. Each time I used one of the new words in the story, I used the same physical movement we had been practicing. Through the Mini-Story, the students got even more repetition of the vocabulary, with emotion and strong movements.
Finally, I gave the students homework: download the audio of the same Mini-Story lesson, and listen to that audio every day for one week.
If the students do this, they will learn these new vocabulary words very deeply, and will remember them forever. That is the power of the Effortless English system, and that is the power of using physical movement while learning!
Original link:
Monday, February 14, 2011
S3C6410 development board
OV3640 - OmniVision
download link:
How to use Google document viewer in your blog and website

First you save your Pdf and Ppt files in some server. Then copy that link. Go to than generate your link for Embedded document viewer.
Finally you attach generated html code in your web or blog pages. That's all.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
How to configure IIC clock speed in S3C64x0 microprocessor?
OV3640 CMOS camera module device driver in Windows CE
The following source code is Original source of OV3640 CMOS camera module.
#include "pmplatform.h"
#include "iic.h"
#include "ov3640.h"
#include "Module.h"
#define MSG_ERROR 1
#define CAMERA_WRITE 0x78
#define CAMERA_READ 0x79
#define DEFAULT_MODULE_YUVORDER CAM_ORDER_YCBYCR // 0x00:YCbYCr, 0x01:YCrYCb, 0x10:CbYCrY, 0x11:CrYCbY
#define DEFAULT_MODULE_HSIZE 640 // Horizontal size
#define DEFAULT_MODULE_VSIZE 480 // Vertical size
#define DEFAULT_MODULE_HOFFSET 0 // Horizontal size
#define DEFAULT_MODULE_VOFFSET 0 // Vertical size
#define DEFAULT_MODULE_UVOFFSET CAM_UVOFFSET_0 // Cb, Cr value offset. 1: +128 , 0: 0
#define DEFAULT_MODULE_CLOCK 24000000 // clock
#define DEFAULT_MODULE_CODEC CAM_CODEC_422 // 422: 1 , 420: 0
#define DEFAULT_MODULE_HIGHRST 0 // Reset is Low->High: 1 High->Low: 0
#define DEFAULT_MODULE_INVPCLK 0 // 1: inverse the polarity of PCLK 0 : normal
#define DEFAULT_MODULE_INVVSYNC 0 // 1: inverse the polarity of VSYNC 0 : normal
#define DEFAULT_MODULE_INVHREF 0 // 1: inverse the polarity of HREF 0 : normal
// Variables
static MODULE_DESCRIPTOR gModuleDesc;
static HANDLE hI2C; // I2C Bus Driver
// Functions
DWORD HW_WriteRegisters(PUCHAR pBuff, DWORD nRegs);
DWORD HW_ReadRegisters(PUCHAR pBuff, PUCHAR StartReg, DWORD nRegs);
int ModuleInit()
UINT32 IICClock = 100000;
UINT32 uiIICDelay;
// Initialize I2C Driver
hI2C = CreateFile( L"IIC0:",
dwErr = GetLastError();
RETAILMSG(MSG_ERROR, (TEXT("Error %d opening OV3640 device '%s' \r\n"), dwErr, L"I2C0:" ));
return FALSE;
gModuleDesc.SourceHSize = DEFAULT_MODULE_HSIZE;
gModuleDesc.SourceVSize = DEFAULT_MODULE_VSIZE;
gModuleDesc.SourceHOffset = DEFAULT_MODULE_HOFFSET;
gModuleDesc.SourceVOffset = DEFAULT_MODULE_VOFFSET;
// use iocontrol to write
if ( !DeviceIoControl(hI2C,
&IICClock, sizeof(UINT32),
NULL, 0,
&bytes, NULL) )
dwErr = GetLastError();
return FALSE;
uiIICDelay = Clk_0;
if ( !DeviceIoControl(hI2C,
&uiIICDelay, sizeof(UINT32),
NULL, 0,
&bytes, NULL) )
dwErr = GetLastError();
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void ModuleDeinit()
int ModuleWriteBlock()
int i;
for(i=0; i<(sizeof(OV3640_YCbCr8bit)/3); i++)
HW_WriteRegisters(&OV3640_YCbCr8bit[i][0], 3) ;
return TRUE;
PUCHAR pBuff, // Optional buffer
DWORD nRegs // number of registers
DWORD dwErr=0;
DWORD bytes;
IIC_Data.SlaveAddress = CAMERA_WRITE;
IIC_Data.Count = nRegs;
IIC_Data.Data = pBuff;
// use iocontrol to write
if ( !DeviceIoControl(hI2C,
&IIC_Data, sizeof(IIC_IO_DESC),
NULL, 0,
&bytes, NULL) )
dwErr = GetLastError();
if ( dwErr )
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_ERR, (TEXT("I2CWrite ERROR: %u \r\n"), dwErr));
return dwErr;
PUCHAR pBuff, // Optional buffer
PUCHAR StartReg, // Start Register
DWORD nRegs // Number of Registers
DWORD dwErr=0;
DWORD bytes;
IIC_IO_DESC IIC_AddressData, IIC_Data;
IIC_AddressData.SlaveAddress = CAMERA_WRITE;
IIC_AddressData.Data = StartReg;
IIC_AddressData.Count = 2;
IIC_Data.SlaveAddress = CAMERA_READ;
IIC_Data.Data = pBuff;
IIC_Data.Count = 1;
if ( !DeviceIoControl(hI2C,
&IIC_AddressData, sizeof(IIC_IO_DESC),
&IIC_Data, sizeof(IIC_IO_DESC),
&bytes, NULL) )
dwErr = GetLastError();
if ( dwErr )
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_ERR,(TEXT("I2CRead ERROR: %u \r\n"), dwErr));
return dwErr;
void ModuleGetFormat(MODULE_DESCRIPTOR &outModuleDesc)
memcpy(&outModuleDesc, &gModuleDesc, sizeof(MODULE_DESCRIPTOR));
int ModuleSetImageSize(int imageSize)
//BYTE page[2];
//BYTE sizeValue[2];
//sizeValue[0] = 0x02;
// case UXGA:
// sizeValue[1] = 0;
// break;
// case SXGA:
// sizeValue[1] = 1;
// break;
// case VGA:
// sizeValue[1] = 2;
// break;
// case QVGA:
// sizeValue[1] = 3;
// break;
// case QQVGA:
// sizeValue[1] = 4;
// break;
// case CIF:
// sizeValue[1] = 5;
// break;
// case QCIF:
// sizeValue[1] = 6;
// break;
// case SUB_SAMPLING2:
// sizeValue[1] = 9;
// break;
// case SUB_SAMPLING4:
// sizeValue[1] = 0xB;
// break;
//page[0] = 0xFC;
//page[1] = 0;
//HW_WriteRegisters(page, 2);
//HW_WriteRegisters(sizeValue, 2);
return TRUE;
// START OV3640.H
#ifndef _OV3640_H_
unsigned char OV3640_YCbCr8bit[][3] =
{0x30,0x12, 0x80},
{0x30,0x4d, 0x45},
{0x30,0xa7, 0x5e},
{0x30,0x87, 0x16},
{0x30,0x9c, 0x1a},
{0x30,0xa2, 0xe4},
{0x30,0xaa, 0x42},
{0x30,0xa9, 0xb5},
{0x30,0xb0, 0xff},
{0x30,0xb1, 0xff},
{0x30,0xb2, 0x18}, //;kenxu modify from 0x10-->0x18 @20090326
{0x30,0x0e, 0x32},
{0x30,0x0f, 0x21},
{0x30,0x10, 0x20},
{0x30,0x11, 0x04},
{0x30,0x4c, 0x81},
{0x30,0xd7, 0x10},
{0x30,0xd9, 0x0d},
{0x30,0xdb, 0x08},
{0x30,0x16, 0x82},
{0x30,0x18, 0x38},
{0x30,0x19, 0x30},
{0x30,0x1a, 0x61},
{0x30,0x7d, 0x00},
{0x30,0x87, 0x02},
{0x30,0x82, 0x20},
{0x30,0x15, 0x12},
{0x30,0x14, 0x84},
{0x30,0x16, 0x92},
{0x30,0x13, 0xf7},
{0x30,0x3c, 0x08},
{0x30,0x3d, 0x18},
{0x30,0x3e, 0x06},
{0x30,0x3f, 0x0c},
{0x30,0x30, 0x62},
{0x30,0x31, 0x26},
{0x30,0x32, 0xe6},
{0x30,0x33, 0x6e},
{0x30,0x34, 0xea},
{0x30,0x35, 0xae},
{0x30,0x36, 0xa6},
{0x30,0x37, 0x6a},
{0x31,0x04, 0x02},
{0x31,0x05, 0xfd},
{0x31,0x06, 0x00},
{0x31,0x07, 0xff},
{0x33,0x01, 0xde},
{0x33,0x02, 0xef},
{0x33,0x12, 0x26},
{0x33,0x14, 0x42},
{0x33,0x13, 0x2b},
{0x33,0x15, 0x42},
{0x33,0x10, 0xd0},
{0x33,0x11, 0xbd},
{0x33,0x0c, 0x18},
{0x33,0x0d, 0x18},
{0x33,0x0e, 0x56},
{0x33,0x0f, 0x5c},
{0x33,0x0b, 0x1c},
{0x33,0x06, 0x5c},
{0x33,0x07, 0x11},
{0x33,0x6a, 0x52},
{0x33,0x70, 0x46},
{0x33,0x76, 0x38},
{0x33,0x00, 0x13},
{0x30,0xb8, 0x20},
{0x30,0xb9, 0x17},
{0x30,0xba, 0x02},
{0x30,0xbb, 0x08},
{0x35,0x07, 0x06},
{0x35,0x0a, 0x4f},
{0x31,0x00, 0x02},
{0x33,0x01, 0xde},
{0x33,0x04, 0x00},
{0x34,0x00, 0x00},
{0x34,0x04, 0x02},
{0x33,0x5f, 0x68},
{0x33,0x60, 0x18},
{0x33,0x61, 0x0c},
{0x33,0x62, 0x12},
{0x33,0x63, 0x88},
{0x33,0x64, 0xe4},
{0x34,0x03, 0x42},
{0x30,0x88, 0x02},
{0x30,0x89, 0x80},
{0x30,0x8a, 0x01},
{0x30,0x8b, 0xe0},
{0x30,0xd7, 0x10},
{0x33,0x02, 0xef},
{0x33,0x5f, 0x68},
{0x33,0x60, 0x18},
{0x33,0x61, 0x0c},
{0x33,0x62, 0x12},
{0x33,0x63, 0x88},
{0x33,0x64, 0xe4},
{0x34,0x03, 0x42},
{0x30,0x88, 0x12},
{0x30,0x89, 0x80},
{0x30,0x8a, 0x01},
{0x30,0x8b, 0xe0},
{0x30,0x4c, 0x84},
{0x33,0x2a, 0x18},
{0x33,0x1b, 0x04},
{0x33,0x1c, 0x13},
{0x33,0x1d, 0x2b},
{0x33,0x1e, 0x53},
{0x33,0x1f, 0x66},
{0x33,0x20, 0x73},
{0x33,0x21, 0x80},
{0x33,0x22, 0x8c},
{0x33,0x23, 0x95},
{0x33,0x24, 0x9d},
{0x33,0x25, 0xac},
{0x33,0x26, 0xb8},
{0x33,0x27, 0xcc},
{0x33,0x28, 0xdd},
{0x33,0x29, 0xee},
{0x33,0x00, 0x13},
{0x33,0x67, 0x23},
{0x33,0x68, 0xb5},
{0x33,0x69, 0xc8},
{0x33,0x6A, 0x46},
{0x33,0x6B, 0x07},
{0x33,0x6C, 0x00},
{0x33,0x6D, 0x23},
{0x33,0x6E, 0xbb},
{0x33,0x6F, 0xcc},
{0x33,0x70, 0x49},
{0x33,0x71, 0x07},
{0x33,0x72, 0x00},
{0x33,0x73, 0x23},
{0x33,0x74, 0xab},
{0x33,0x75, 0xcc},
{0x33,0x76, 0x46},
{0x33,0x77, 0x07},
{0x33,0x78, 0x00},
{0x33,0x2a, 0x1d},
{0x33,0x1b, 0x08},
{0x33,0x1c, 0x16},
{0x33,0x1d, 0x2d},
{0x33,0x1e, 0x54},
{0x33,0x1f, 0x66},
{0x33,0x20, 0x73},
{0x33,0x21, 0x80},
{0x33,0x22, 0x8c},
{0x33,0x23, 0x95},
{0x33,0x24, 0x9d},
{0x33,0x25, 0xac},
{0x33,0x26, 0xb8},
{0x33,0x27, 0xcc},
{0x33,0x28, 0xdd},
{0x33,0x29, 0xee},
{0x33,0x17, 0x04},
{0x33,0x16, 0xf8},
{0x33,0x12, 0x31},
{0x33,0x14, 0x57},
{0x33,0x13, 0x28},
{0x33,0x15, 0x3d},
{0x33,0x11, 0xd0},
{0x33,0x10, 0xb6},
{0x33,0x0c, 0x16},
{0x33,0x0d, 0x16},
{0x33,0x0e, 0x5F},
{0x33,0x0f, 0x5C},
{0x33,0x0b, 0x18},
{0x33,0x06, 0x5c},
{0x33,0x07, 0x11},
{0x33,0x08, 0x25},
{0x33,0x18, 0x62},
{0x33,0x19, 0x62},
{0x33,0x1a, 0x62},
{0x33,0x40, 0x20},
{0x33,0x41, 0x58},
{0x33,0x42, 0x08},
{0x33,0x43, 0x21},
{0x33,0x44, 0xbe},
{0x33,0x45, 0xe0},
{0x33,0x46, 0xca},
{0x33,0x47, 0xc6},
{0x33,0x48, 0x04},
{0x33,0x49, 0x98},
{0x33,0x3F, 0x06},
{0x33,0x2e, 0x04},
{0x33,0x2f, 0x05},
{0x33,0x31, 0x03},
{0x30,0x2B, 0x6D},
{0x30,0x8d, 0x04},
{0x30,0x86, 0x03},
{0x30,0x86, 0x00},
{0x30,0x7d, 0x00},
{0x30,0x85, 0x00},
{0x30,0x6c, 0x10},
{0x30,0x7b, 0x40},
//;78 3300 12
{0x36,0x1d, 0x50},
{0x31,0x00, 0x02},
{0x33,0x01, 0xde},
{0x33,0x04, 0x00},
{0x34,0x00, 0x00},
{0x34,0x04, 0x00},
//;78 3610 60
//99 640 480
{0x30,0x12, 0x10},
{0x30,0x23, 0x06},
{0x30,0x26, 0x03},
{0x30,0x27, 0x04},
{0x30,0x2a, 0x03},
{0x30,0x2b, 0x10},
{0x30,0x75, 0x24},
{0x30,0x0d, 0x01},
{0x30,0xd7, 0x90},//;
{0x30,0x69, 0x04},
{0x30,0x3e, 0x00},
{0x30,0x3f, 0xc0},
{0x33,0x02, 0xef},
{0x33,0x5f, 0x34},
{0x33,0x60, 0x0c},
{0x33,0x61, 0x04},
{0x33,0x62, 0x34},
{0x33,0x63, 0x08},
{0x33,0x64, 0x04},
{0x34,0x03, 0x42},
{0x30,0x88, 0x04},
{0x30,0x89, 0x00},
{0x30,0x8a, 0x03},
{0x30,0x8b, 0x00},
{0x30,0x0e, 0x32},
{0x30,0x0f, 0x21},
{0x30,0x10, 0x20},
{0x30,0x11, 0x01},
{0x30,0x4c, 0x82},
{0x33,0x02, 0xef},
{0x33,0x5f, 0x34},
{0x33,0x60, 0x0c},
{0x33,0x61, 0x04},
{0x33,0x62, 0x12},
{0x33,0x63, 0x88},
{0x33,0x64, 0xe4},
{0x34,0x03, 0x42},
{0x30,0x88, 0x12},
{0x30,0x89, 0x80},
{0x30,0x8a, 0x01},
{0x30,0x8b, 0xe0},
{0x30,0x4c, 0x85},//;;
{0x30,0x0e, 0x39},
{0x30,0x0f, 0x21},
{0x30,0x11, 0x00},
{0x30,0x10, 0x81},
//;78 3014 04
{0x30,0x2e, 0x00},
{0x30,0x2d, 0x00},
{0x30,0x71, 0xeb},
{0x30,0x1C, 0x02}
CMOS camera testing in Firmware level programming
The follow code is important for Hanback board's camera.(2M pixel camera MT9D111)
1. void CAMERA_Test(void)
uFramec = 0 ;
uLcdFbAddr = CODEC_MEM_ST;
eLcdBpp = RGB24;
eFlipDir = FLIP_NO;
eRotDeg = ROT_0;
uSrcCroppedHsz = 640;
uSrcCroppedVsz = 480;
eImgEffect = BYPASS;
eDstDataFmt = RGB24;
eSrcDataFmt = RGB24;
eProcessPath = P_PATH;
eOutputPath = DMA;
uSrcWidth = 800;
uSrcHeight = 480;
2. void CAMERA_InitSensor(void)
// 1. Reset sensor
// 2. Initalize the member variables and initalize the camera model.
oCim.m_uIfBits = 8;
oCim.m_bInvPclk = false,
oCim.m_bInvVsync = true,
oCim.m_bInvHref = false;
oCim.m_uSrcHsz = 640, oCim.m_uSrcVsz = 480;
oCim.m_eCcir = CCIR601;
oCim.m_eCamSrcFmt = CBYCRY;
CAMERA_InitS5K3BAF(oCim.m_eCcir, oCim.m_eCamSrcFmt, SUB_SAMPLING2);
Saturday, February 12, 2011
How to access HP notebook BIOS ?

I bought HP Compaq Presario CQ62. That laptop's CPU is AMD and OS is Windows 7. Actually I'm not professional in windows 7. May be Windows 7 is graphic very good, but not familiar me. Then I want to try change windows. I didn't access by traditional methods. For example I push DEL, F2, etc. I can't access BIOS and can't change BOOT configuration. I see some information to press F2.
There , if you want to more information about Boot.
Please visit to
That's very usefully for me. I change my OS.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Related video lectures for Nonlinear system
NPTEL Courses :: Electrical Engineering :: Intelligent Systems and Control
Lec 31 | MIT 18.03 Differential Equations, Spring 2006
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Brian tracy - Goals
How to Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
By: Brian Tracy
Audiobook - Brian Tracy Goals.part1.rar
Audiobook - Brian Tracy Goals.part2.rar
Audiobook - Brian Tracy Goals.part3.rar
Audiobook - Brian Tracy Goals.part4.rar
Audiobook - Brian Tracy Goals.part5.rar
Audiobook - Brian Tracy Goals.part6.rar
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Robotics Institutes
Carnegie Mellon
The Computer Vision Industry
MIT CSAIL Vision Research Group
Sunday, February 6, 2011
LED for greenhouse.
The following websites how to use LED in agriculture.
Main scenario of my future company
I want to build own professional company for hardware design and programming in electronic engineering field.
I should companion my friends (Khurelbaatar and Luubaatar). We have more than 10 years friendly. We start from the university. Now also we together studying one laboratory at chonbuk national university.
I think the following works we solve:
- Language learning system for university, high school and army.
- Hardware training kits for university, high school, army and professional company.
- Control system for Agriculture machines and manufacture.
- Home automatic system and security system.
- 365 ATM for banks.
- Announce system based on LED display and LCD with touch panel. We can use that system for university, supermarkets, etc..
- Robot automation system based on Vision system. For example: Intelligence automobile and Black box of car.
- Hardware design. (Circuits and PCB )
- Real-time controlling systems
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Main proposal of 2011 year
1. I should start my PhD thesis work. My interest is the Vision based navigation system for mobile robots. (Discuss my professor)
2. I should publish at least one or more paper in abroad international conference. And I should present my research work. That means I consider paper work. I write one or more paper in every month, then to send abroad conferences.
3. I should improve my English language skill for writing and speaking. I should prepare English proficient tests. For example TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). I have so many Pdf, Mp3, CD for those tests. Now I should use for my English ability.
4. I should consider personal life. It means my family and my house. I get loan for apartment. Also I should work part-time job in morning time.
5. I should study mathematics for the theory of image processing and robotics. I should study everyday based on MIT's books and Lecture notes.
6. I should consider my own company proposal and discussing friends.
7. I should develop my personal home page and company's web site.
GOOD LUCK Enkhbaatar Tumenjargal.
"CANI": Constant And Never ending Improvement
Friday, February 4, 2011
MIT open courses sites
Most Visited Courses
MIT's lecturer teaching methods for good for students.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Today is mongolian traditional holiday
This holiday is very famous in Mongolia, also Asian countries. We wake up early before sun rising then go out .
That day is starting new year.
I want to work hardly for my research field and also improve my English language skill for writing.
Also, I care out my family and healthy life.
happy life.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Britannica dictionary
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
RGB LED display driver chips and some schematics
The following links describes LED display design and driver chips.
Writing for Computer Science
Justin Zobel is wrote book for researcher and graduate students in computer science. So many university and institutes teaching for students based on his book. You can download scanned+pdf version the follow link.
I am now reading that book. May be help my writing skill for research paper.
Andrew Davison: Research
Nowadays I am reading Andrew Davison's research works, specially his thesis. The follow link is A.Davison's website. He got PhD degree from Oxford University. Thesis title is "Mobile Robot Navigation Using Active Vision".
Our laboratory currently working on project is may be in near future related his research topic.
Also, I am interesting that kind of topics for my thesis.
A.Zisserman is very famous researcher for Robotic vision and computer vision. The following link is his publications.