Wednesday, August 10, 2011

TAXI Framework documentation

TAXI Framework documentation

Welcome to the Taxi documentation website ! Here you will find a variety of resources to learn about what is Taxi is all about, how it works, and more importantly, how you can use it to change the world !

TAXI is a software developped at the IMARA Lab from INRIA. It is used as plateform for our automated vehicles, the CyberCars ( It targets both engineers who want to prepare demos, test new hardware, check if the vehicles are operational, etc., and researchers who want a quick way to implement and test new algorithms, designs, solutions.

TAXI provides an abstraction to access sensors and actuators.
TAXI implements communication tools like Zeroconf or XML-RPC for vehicle collaboration and remote control.
TAXI allows finally to build demonstration by wrapping together various algorithms.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


//#include "stdafx.h"


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

DWORD ThreadID, dwRet;

// Creates a thread to execute within the virtual address space of the calling process
wprintf(L"CreateThread() failed, error %u\n", GetLastError());
return 1;
wprintf(L"CreateThread() is OK, thread ID %u\n", ThreadID);
// Blocks/wait till thread terminates
// Waits until the specified object is in the signaled state or
// the time-out interval elapses.
// The INFINITE parameter make the function return only when the object is signaled
wprintf(L"Waiting the child thread terminates/signaled...\n");
dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(hTh,INFINITE);
wprintf(L"WaitForSingleObject() returns value is 0X%.8X\n", dwRet);

wprintf(L"Mutex object was not released by the thread that\n" L"owned the mutex object before the owning thread terminates...\n");
wprintf(L"The child thread state was signaled!\n");
wprintf(L"Time-out interval elapsed, and the child thread's state is nonsignaled.\n");
wprintf(L"WaitForSingleObject() failed, error %u\n", GetLastError());

if(CloseHandle(hTh) != 0)
wprintf(L"hTh's child thread handle was closed successfully!\n");
wprintf(L"Failed to close hTh child thread handle, error %u\n", GetLastError());

wprintf(L"Main process & thread ready to exit...\n");

return 0;


The WaitForSingleObject() Example

Create a new empty Win32 console application project. Give a suitable project name and change the project location if needed.

Then, add the source file and give it a suitable name.

Project file created:

The following source codes to add and build:

#include "stdafx.h"


// Thread counts till PassVal

void ThreadMain(LONG PassVal)
for(i=0;iApplication testing:

How can i install winxp in Compaq Presario CQ62 ?

You change the bootdisk in the BIOS to the cd. Then boot from the XP CD. And press a key when it tells you to. However, this will wipe Windows 7. So, if you want anything copy everything you want (except programs), before you format the hard drive.

Also, NOTE: XP doesnt have drivers for most of whats on the system (LAN/Sound/Card reader etc). So, if this is the only computer you've got, go to the HP site search for this laptop, download the drivers and copy them to something. Before you start. Or you wont get back on the internet..

Also NOTE: If the hard drive in this is SATA, you'll have to disable AHCI in the BIOS (change it to IDE mode). Or XP will crash before you get to the setup screen. Unless you download the SATA drivers, unzip/extract them and add them when it says to press F6 (on a floppy).

The XP CD doesn't have SATA drivers on it either. If you dont add the SATA drivers during the install, DON'T change it back to AHCI after you install XP. Or it'll crash

Also, make sure you've got an XP key. A windows 7 key wont work

download winxp drivers the following links:

In my case: my notebook model is Presario CQ62-303u

I try to change SATA driver mode to IDE mode, but my notebook BIOS doesn't have that choice.

The following link have some discuss of SATA driver problem in winxp installation.

1. You download CPU-Z

2. You should check chipset of notebook.

3. You should download manuals for SATA problem.

4. You download nlite

5. Read manual (3) and create winxp boot CD/DVD.

6. Intsall winxp.